Portuguese company innovates in negotiation with brazilian

          Empresa portuguesa inova na negociação com brasileiros

          The supermarket market brazilian is more attractive than ever. Proof is that the company Latitude Perfect, Portugal, has found a special form and innovative to negotiate with the brazilian companies. Instead of waiting for the negotiations track importing, entrepreneurs invested, have created a Brazilian subsidiary – the Bressan & Barboza – and started to make direct contact with the supermarkets and central business. In addition to facilitating the presentation of products, the strategy allows the follow-up in the post-sale. “There’s space for differentiated products in the Brazilian market. Consumers seek, increasingly, news in the shops. We present tenant quality items and competitive pricing. The products already has wide acceptance in the European market, in Latin America and the United States, and will soon be launched in Brazil,” said John Raphael, of Latitude Perfect. He, who lives four years ago in Sao Paulo especially for the study of the Brazilian market, said that the feedeback enterprises and positive. “Today, we talked with several plants Business supportive of APAS. Now, we will take the contacts of shops interested importers for the negotiation of the products”, he explained, referring to the rounds of negotiation of Fair in Central Business (FCN 2012). The event began yesterday (12 September) and was closed this Thursday (13). The objective of entrepreneurs and strengthen the relationship with the supermarket sector. In a meeting with the superintendent of APAS Carlos Correa, they stressed the importance of the entity to the national retail and already studying participate the APAS 2013, which will occur in May of next year.

          Quality Products
          The Portuguese businessmen had quality products in FCN 2012. Among the novelties are preserved portuguese sardines, cheese, and artisanal sausages, all of portuguese manufacture, and gourmet chocolates of Ecuador. “An imported product can also have competitive prices. In brief Brazilian consumers can learn about our products,” said John Rafael.

          Among the brands marketed are Caoni Chocolate, barleys, LUZDMAR, Baby Rice, Nupik, Factory Cavacas of Grout and Monforqueijo.

          Caption of the photo above: Roberto Braner (Bressan and Barboza), John Rafael (Latitude Perfect), Stella Beluzzi (consultant of Central APAS), Rui Ferreira (Latitude Perfect) and Jorge Barboza (Bressan and Barboza)

          See more:
          FCN 2012 gathers plants and suppliers for trading


          The superintendent of APAS Carlos Correa, among the businessmen John Raphael and Rui Ferreira

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